
About was founded in the middle of 2023 and has since grown to become a big trivia website. With hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors, is visited by a wide range of people who want to learn both important and fun facts about everything from animals and technology to history and culture. New articles are published daily, and also shares entertaining trivia on social media.

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Job Vacancies

You can learn more about our job vacancies on the “Career” page. If we are not currently seeking any positions, you are always welcome to submit a spontaneous application for future recruitment and assignments.

Contact Us

If you need to get in touch with the editorial team or the sales department, it is easiest to reach us via the contact form under “Contact Us.” There, you fill in your name, email address, and your message, and we will ensure that the message reaches the right person as soon as possible. We usually respond within 24 – 48 hours.


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For more information, please contact us.